Past Courses
Spring 2023:
Axiomatic Set Theory
Spring 2022:
Math 430: Formal Logic I
Spring 2022:
Math 512: Infinitary Combinatorics
Spring 2021:
Math 504: Set Theory
Fall 2020:
Math 320: Linear Algebra
Spring 2020:
Math 320: Linear Algebra
Fall 2019:
Math 502: Mathematical Logic
Fall 2019:
Math 215: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
Spring 2019:
Math 215: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics
Spring 2019:
Math 512 Topics: Combinatorial Set Theory
Fall 2018:
Math 504: Set Theory
Spring 2018:
Math 511: Descriptive Set Theory
Fall 2017:
Math 502: Mathematical Logic
Fall 2017:
Math 210: Calculus III
Spring 2017:
Math 512: Forcing and Large Cardianls
Fall 2016:
Math 210: Calculus III
Fall 2016:
Math 320: Linear Algebra I
Spring 2016:
Math 504: Set Theory I
Spring 2016:
Math 215: Intro to Abstract Math
Fall 2015:
Math 180: Calculus I
Spring 2015:
Math 430: Formal Logic I
Spring 2015:
Math 320: Linear Algebra I
Fall 2014:
Math 512: Combinatorial Set Theory
Spring 2014:
Math 430: Formal Logic I
Spring 2013:
Math 512: Advanced Topics in Logic: Set Theory
Fall 2012:
Math 504: Set Theory I